Monday, October 8, 2012

What Blackbirds Know

"I've seen birds have meetings, mom."

I'm not sure I understand my just turned four-year-old sons comment from the Britax car seat directly behind me, so I repeat, "You've seen birds have meat-ings?"

"Ya, see, right there." The boy is pointing to the blackbirds blanketing the field to our left. "They're having a meeting with their friends."

I smile and affirm his observation.

And I love how he sees because he doesn't just see a flock of birds preparing to journey further south for survival sake. He sees a flock of birds congregating in community. And he's aware of this innate need for relationship, with which we were created.

I consider that field and for a handful of strategic, purposeful and advantageous reasons those blackbirds journey together, not alone. As in sync as a bird is with our creator God, that bird knows its innate need to journey within its flock.

We're headed north at about 30 miles an hour and this observation makes me think of something the Bishop said this morning in church. He had talked about how God created us for community. God didn't intend for one Christian to stand alone accepting his faith as just between he and God. Although one may very well have a personal faith and that is good, God intended for us to live out our faith through community - a unified body of individuals (believers)

And then my son reminds me, as we're driving along, that even the birds of the air know that it is wiser and safer and healthier to journey together.

Mothers are not meant to mother alone, children are not meant to grow up alone, and Christians are not meant to walk alone. We pull along side one another and, like a flock, we create a strong cord not easily broken, help navigate the path in which we were purposed, protect one another from predators, and together seek the Living Food that sustains us.

We congregated in church this morning and listened to six members speak about their recent mission to Juarez, Mexico, witnessed eight eighth graders commit their lives to Christ, and hosted after-church-brunch at our house. We're on the road now to celebrate the life of a friend and this is not a journey simply for survival sake.

This journey is the very essence of what we were created for.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up...though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Counting with Ann today:  

spur of the moment road trips
a surprise for grandma and grandpa
safe travels
the excitement of children
discovering puzzles and letters and everything new
enthusiasm to learn 
getting all of the cardboard out of the garage and to the recycling bin
a house-full of beautiful people that make up community
family that makes up community

{Photo source}

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Sharing with A Holy ExperienceFinding HeavenThe Better MomThe Modest MomThe WellspringGracefulA Pause on the Path,  Titus 2 Tuesdays,  What Joy is MineFar Above RubiesRaising HomemakersWise WomanWorks for me WednesdayWomen Living Well, Imperfect ProseGetting Down with Jesus,  WholeHearted HomeLife in Bloom,  Homemaking Link-up partyand Raising Arrows


  1. So much that we learn through our childrens eyes. Thanks for sharing...great thoughts on community.
    Stopping by from Playdates at the Wellspring.

  2. Wisdom of a child... Yes, we travel safer with a flock. Community is valuable. An important truth.

  3. On the road we walk with one another in the shadow of that great cloud of witnesses gone before. How precious for your son to know and for us to be reminded that God can be recognized when He calls together the birds of the field and the clouds in the sky and the people of the church. It's a wonderful thought. Thanks for sharing!

    Lorretta at Dancing on the Dash

  4. Birds having meetings :) Love the way kids think. And love the way Jesus made us to NEED each other. Wise words here as always. Have a great week, Theresa.

  5. ah ... we all need a flock of birds to do life with.

  6. Oh, these birds. How they lift me--take me with them in their soar! I love how your son sees. A wise boy:)

  7. I love Ecc 4:9-12. It is such a powerful scripture and it is so cool that your four year old son is getting it already! Great words.

  8. very nice post!

  9. I agree, we should never travel on this journey completely alone. That is when we find ourselves being deceived and tempted. We need to be accountable to someone along with God. Thanks for the great post.


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