Thursday, April 2, 2009

Can Good Be Good Enough?

Isn't it interesting how I am finding this blog to be so reflective of my personality? I want to have all of the exteriors visually perfected before I dig into the nuts and bolts of writing, and even then I want a polished piece of work to post, or nothing at all. Can I get beyond that sense of perfectionism? No, I'm not perfectionistic in every way but, very much so with presentation. Do I dare use this as a private journal (which I am all too aware is not)? In keeping with the focus, of course! This blog is about family, children, relationship...not perfection! I posted the inspired quote for a reason: "I'll accept what is good and leave great to God." My good friend, Beth Moore, inspired that one. :) So, I remind myself today to let good be good, even if it's not great.

"Can good be good enough?" (also Beth Moore)


  1. I can totally identify with this! It's hard sometimes to just put it all out there... raw, off the cuff, unpolished. I'm the same way with my blog. But, I've learned that you can spend so much time tweaking and perfecting something and never fully be satisfied. Plus, if you're looking to people to validate your time, effort and sentiments, you can easily be let down. Through blogs, we express our thoughts and feelings so publicly in hopes that we can inspire and entertain our followers. We feel validated when people comment and let us know that they are there, are reading and can relate. But when the comments don't come, it's easy to feel like our efforts are in vain. Don't sweat the small stuff. Perfect or sightly flawed, comments or no comments, your posts have to speak to YOU first and foremost. You are right... we should focus on being and doing good and leave the great to the Great I Am. :-)

  2. I am a tweaker, that I am! It's not a bad thing, especially when it comes to being a writer...but for the blog, yes, it means giving up a little control. It's going to be a great exercise for me, however, because I also need that to be a good writer! Thanks for your encouragement!


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