Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Laughter...An Unveiled Gift

I love seeing my children laugh together. Robby knows just what gets Drew belly laughing and just yesterday all three (Robby, Alexa and Drew) were sitting on the bathroom floor laughing together. Laughing together is a beautiful thing. Not just laughing...that is also a beautiful thing to see one of my children filled with laughter. But laughing together is a whole knew level of warmth expanding my heart. I don't think I ever really realized the gift laughter was until, like many things, I saw my own children experiencing it. What is better than each individual child, whom we brought into this world, finding enough delight in one another to laugh together?

Just last week, Rob's parents were visiting. We were all at Rob's aunt and uncles house (Rob's dads brother) along with Rob's grandmother and other family members. I was sitting with Rob's grandmother, our children's great grandmother (Granny Mae), on the outdoor deck watching the two brothers, her grown sons, playing ping-pong on the patio below. As we sat entertained by the fun they were having, Granny Mae stated something that rang dear to me. She said, "I love seeing my boys laugh." Aw...it occurred to me then that that delight in our children never grows old.

I can only imagine myself at eighty-four-years-old, with the same warmth I felt in my heart yesterday, watching my grown children laugh together. Yes, when I watch and delight in the laughter of my children, I am treasuring in my heart that beautiful, loving friendship that will last a lifetime.


  1. The kids laughing together and enjoying each other is really special. I'm appreciating my our two at home this summer, especially since Gloria will be going away to college and Ray will be living on campus as an RA. It was fun watching them relate the other night while watching a comedy movie. I was also glad to see them in this hour-long philosophical discussion the other day. Guess they are growing up - that would have been unlikely to have taken place a year or two ago. Your babies are always your babies - even when away - like you, Theresa; I'm very proud of the lovely woman and mother you've turned out to be. Love, Dad

  2. how sweet! :) Thank you for sharing!

  3. the laugh of my baby soothes my weary heart from a stressful day...

    I love the picture..goes well with the verse:

    WFW-Being a Light

    Our Adventures Together/
    Her and History
    Tasty Exploration

  4. Oh, so true. It's the simplist of things like this that mean the most.


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