Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ultrasound Results...

I walked into the ultrasound room with no expectations -I knew better. Rob and I hoped it might be a girl. Yet, I had decided not to assert any of my own intuitions. My pregnancy symptoms certainly were not giving me any clues. This was another great, easy pregnancy not much different than the others.

Who can really explain it? We delight so much in our boys. We actually agree that two boys are a little bit easier than one girl and possibly, three boys would still be easier than our one, precious, diva little girl.

We just simply hoped for another girl.

In reality, however, we thought it had to be a boy. Boys are just more common on Rob's side of the family. And truly, we were so content with that prospect. It didn't really matter. God knew! He held the perfect plan for us. After all, this was His idea! ( Yet, I might have reminded Him from time to time how ideal two and two in each bedroom would be for all practical purposes.).

We were prepared for anything.

Rob, Robby (almost 6) and Alexa (3 1/2) sat in the three chairs along the wall gazing up at the TV, as they waited for the alien-like picture to appear on the screen. Robby and Alexa had made up their minds early on that they were going to have another brother (Alexa, of course, going along
with her big brother). As they sat patiently in their chairs awaiting some evidence to confirm their assertion, the doctor asked what they thought it would be. "A brother," Robby confidently responded with Alexa's echo, "A brother." "I don't know, the doctor responded in that singy-song voice, as he fiddled around with the mouse controlling the arrow on the screen. "It might be a girl." Robby seemed unconvinced, as he repeated that he was pretty sure it was a boy...all awhile I was clinging to those words, "I don't know..."

"Would we really have another girl???" I looked over at Rob and could see the hint of unexpected surprise in his eyes.

With a few more seconds of fiddling with the mouse, and I gazing at the screen seeing absolutely nothing that made any sense, the doctor confirmed that what he was seeing were girl parts. The doctor proceeded to point out to us exactly what he was observing and why he was certain now that it was a girl.

"Wow, a girl...can you believe it?" I thought to myself as I diverted my attention back to Rob, who held a smile in his eyes.

"I think it still could be a boy, " Robby announced from his chair, my tummy bopping up and down from giggles partly at Robby's resolve but, undoubtedly from under-lining pure delight.

By the end of the visit, Robby seemed to be coming around, "Do you think a girl would like to play with boy things?"

(Sort of)

In the SUV on our way home, Robby announced, " I sure was pushing hard for that boy, mom."

(But, not completely)

The next day, to my surprise, Robby asserted, "We don't really know. The doctor could be wrong."

Alexa was going with the flow, at this point. But, not unlike our children, when they make up their (own) minds about something there's not much that changes them (have I ever mentioned how we decided on Drew's name? Alexa, not even two at the time, refused any name thrown out other than Drew. "No. Drew," was her response to other ideas. I had no idea she had been paying attention but, apparently she heard "Drew" and that was it.)

Oh well, I have no doubt that Robby will fully come around, if not before, when he sees his new, perfectly designed, beautiful little sister!

My heart continues to overflow with joy over God's beautiful surprises in our life!


  1. Congratulations. You are going to have two boys and two girls...just like us. Such a blessing!

  2. Congrats on the upcoming little girl! It will balance things out perfectly :)

  3. Well, congratulations! I have 3 girls myself (all grown). Now you will have a matched set of each!


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