Friday, May 20, 2011

Five Minute Friday :: When Seasons Change

I'm linking up with Lisa-jo at The Gypsy Mama for Five minute Friday, with the writing prompt:

When Seasons Change...


I'm in the process of weaning; weaning my thirteen-month-old baby girl from nursing; weaning myself of the last indication that my children's lifeline comes from me, their mother – another step in the direction of independence. 

She has accepted it. Yet, as the process runs its course in my body, I know I have not quite let go and grieve putting the past behind. No more infant stage, no more up at night to nurse, no more skin to skin attachment. As the last of the four children, we have officially moved into a new season of parenting in this house. 

When seasons change it can be bitter-sweet. Yet, I'm reminded that there is a time for everything, there is hope for renewal, there is promise. As I contemplate this next season of life, I don't know what the weather may bring, but I am excited and am hopeful that it will be joyous and life-giving. 

I'm reminded that there is a time for planting, a time for waiting, and a time for harvest. Every season is needed for the full cycle to be accomplished. 

Seeds have been and are being planted. And we are watering, watering, watering, with the hope of renewal, resurrection, and promise – the promise of bloom in the lives of these children.


Now it's your turn! Link up and give your best five-minutes!


  1. Oh so lovely - and so encouraging for someone still so thick in the nursing, up at night, everyone all up in my personal space stage :)

    Thanks for this beautiful perspective!


  2. I love this Theresa! You really are a writer, you know, doing such a beautiful job in 5 minutes!:-} I weaned my daughter in January and I just couldn't imagine she was my last...with our transition, we've had to put #3 on hold to be born, if He wills, in a foreign hospital...but, I've had to let go of that desire too and parenting involves so much surrender, doesn't it? such beautiful wisdom...thank you, friend!

  3. Thanks for popping by my blog.... I love poetry and some days it just flows especially particular themes already in my heart. It probably helps being a teacher too :) ... so get the bitter sweet of the seasons ... a real conundrum :) Lovely post.

  4. Thanks for following Ordinary Inspirations! On another note, will you vote for my blog? It only takes a second. Thanks, Traci

  5. So very true!! God has his hand in each of the seasons of our lives, and they all are beautiful in their own way. :-)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! I love meeting new people. :-)

  6. What beautiful words Theresa, thank you for sharing them. They have really encouraged me during a day when I feel weary, and wonder when will this wait end. You remind me that the cycle needs to come full circle, for the flower to bloom, and the colour to come, because without the growth, and the pushing through, the colour dies. Thank you for these words. May you & yours be blessed. Nics ps I really like your blog.

  7. I'm not ready for that change with my little one either... but neither is he. (Hah.) I love your perspective on this, though. Especially in those last lines.


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