Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fifteen {Vital} Ways a Mother is

A mother is:

1. a mother to more than her own biological children.

2. a good listener, no matter what the hour.

3. a cheerleader.

4. a facilitator.

5. a guide.

6. a cultivator of hearts and home.

7. always seeking the highest good of her family.

8. always seeking and administrating grace, truth and love.

9. willing to say, "I'm sorry."

10. on the front lines of the battle for her children's hearts and      minds. 

11. a defender of the weak.

12. daily brought to her knees.

13. willing to surrender her children to God alone.

14. willing to die to self so that her children may live.

15. Courageous.

Are we women not all mothers, bearing the responsibility, though we may not all bear children? Thank you, dear mothers, for your vital sacrifice of love and impact on the next generation and for eternity.

Happy Mother's Day!

sharing with The Sunday CommunityFresh Brewed Sundays, Finding Heaven, and the Better Mom


  1. Beautiful and true post, Theresa! And I love the pics in your header. Adorable kids! Thanks for sharing this with us. Blessings!

  2. A beautiful post! Happy to find my way here through Barbie's link-up. You have a lovely blog. Blessings.

  3. How lovely. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed week. Happy Mother's Day.

  4. Thank you for the list and life of mom all wrapped up in syllables.

    Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip into some goodness.




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